♥ Merry Christmas from SoKo ♥

Orphanage fundraiser MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Well Christmas came and went pretty quickly here in Korea. It's not quite like at home, and it didn't really feel much like Christmas until Christmas day. Korea isn't a place that really has a lot of Christmas decorations, trees, or lights. In fact only about 1/3 of my students actually celebrated Christmas, and even the ones that did did not celebrate quite like we do back home. Singing Christmas songs Snowball fights I tried to bring the Christmas feeling into the classroom as much as I could. I had Christmas lessons, sang Christmas songs, and made snowflakes to hang in the room. The students did seem to enjoy talking about Christmas and how it is different here in Korea. Presents! This Christmas was my first Christmas away from my family, and it was a bit strange and sad. I'm used to being around my family all day long and cooking and eating and playing with my ...