It's funny how things can change so quickly here in Korea...or I guess just life in general. In the past month I have gone from being at the top of the world, crashing hard very quickly and then coming back out on top.
With Lucy in Class |
Mr. Kang introducing them to the school |
The end of September was a time that I had been waiting and literally counting down the days for for months before it finally arrived. My family finally got to come to this crazy place I call home and see how we live our lives here in Korea. I was so excited to actually have them here. I get to talk to my mom often, and I see her face through Skype on a weekly basis but its just not the same as having them here in person. They arrived on a Friday, my school let me out early to go and pick them up from the airport. I was so excited when my mom walked through those doors. We immediately ran to each other and a few tears made an appearance. They were all totally exhausted from their flight so we did a quick amazing dinner then went to bed. The weekend they arrived we spent a few days in Seoul. That city is one massive city and just has so many different thins to see and do.
Soldiers at the DMZ |
View of Seoul from Seoul Tower |
After the madness of Seoul we came back to my little town of Sangju. As much as I might complain about Sangju it's still my home for now and I have developed my own little family here. I'm really quite comfortable and happy here so I was excited for them to see it, my school, my apartment, and get to know the little waegook family that we have developed here. They also got to come into school to meet all the teachers I work with on a daily basis and meet my 2 absolute favorite classes.
Sangju Market |
Best class ever!!! |
My time with my family went by way too quickly, and I really wish they could have stayed longer. 10 days is just not enough time with your mom when you have been separated for 7 months! Having them come here just really made me realize how amazing my family really is. I already knew they were amazing but it's not everyday that your family is willing to spend the amount of money that they did, 24 hours on a plane in 10 days, and have to deal with me. I really appreciate and love them!
Andong Scarecrows |
Tree in Andong Village |
Traditional house in Andong Village |
Becky and Ann at Andong Mask Fest |
Andong Mask Fest |
Andong Mask Fest |
With mom terrified of clowns |
Taekwondo |
Busan Film Festival |
Haeundae beach with Becky |
After my family left yes I was a little sad, but I was still feeling good that I got to share this amazing experience with them...oh but that feeling didn't last long. In fact it only lasted about a week until everything changed. I had a little argument with my co-teacher and he tried to tell me I broke my contract and that I could be deported for it. I knew deep down I did not break my contract, but it is not an easy task to argue with a 50 something traditional Korean man. 1. is because he is a very traditional man, and honestly quite stubborn 2. we still have this language barrier so I really can't defend myself and 3. I'm a much younger female...and really whatever I say to him just doesn't matter. You just don't argue with someone that is older than you especially if it is a man. But I broke Korean traditions and decided I needed to fight for myself and my job so that I can stay in Korea. In the end I was not deported and I got a stern talking to from Mr. Yoo. He told me that my actions were selfish and he doesn't like Americans (sorry to everyone at home for having Korea hate America). We didn't speak for a week and he didn't come to my classes, but we are currently working on building our relationship back up again. I think we are getting there...we are talking again outside of class so that is a plus.
Last week I was asked to go on a school field trip with my middle school students. We got to go to Lotte World up in Seoul for the day. It really is a pretty neat place! I think it was a good thing that I did go too. I went up on the bus with Lucy and her class (which also happens to be one of my favorites). We got to Lotte World and I walked around the department stores with Lucy until we had to meet the other teachers for a lunch. It wasn't all the teachers but it was still nice to get to spend sometime with them. I got to bond with my vice principal over a bowl of noodles, eat lunch with a few of the female teachers, and share stories over a few makkollis with some of the male teachers. It really was a great way to get to know and connect with some of the teachers that I never took the chance to talk to them before. Some don't speak English and I don't know much Korean but Mr. Kang was there to help me.
After lunch I decided to go back to the amusement park area to find some of my students and go on a few rides. It didn't take me long to run into a group of some of my favorite little first graders and they invited me to join them on a few rides. It was such a great thing to get to see these girls actually have fun and let loose a little. These girls are always working so hard and hardly ever get a break from studying or school, so it is one thing that I think I will remember. The smile on their faces was just adorable!
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