The Country That Loves to Love

Korea really is a pretty cute country.  They put so much thought into just the little things that really seem to make a big difference.  You go to a coffee shop and they draw cute little flowers, hearts, or other random drawings...yes all for you to drink it!  I have bought pizza and they tied a cute little red bow around the box for us.  The biggest thing that is pretty cute (but I just can't ever see myself doing this!!!!) is that the couples wear matching clothes.  

I have done a little research and have read in many different places that the couples wear matching clothes because public display of affection is just not a very big thing here (although I think that is changing watching some of the younger couples out in coffee shops and other public places) so they wear a matching outfit to let the world know that they are a couple that is deeply in love with each other.  There are pictures all over the internet of Korean matching couples and I even snapped a quick shot of a couple walking down the beach in matching outfits.  Now it's not always the entire outfit that matches.  Sometimes they have matching shoes (yes these would be really bright neon colors that they would be matching), others matching shirts, sometimes it is the entire outfit, and somethings it is an outfit with a similar print or color but not totally matching.  This is def. something that is different from home because I would never think about matching with my boyfriend at home, but it's quite cute on the Koreans.

Koreans don't really measure their relationships like we do back home.  Where we celebrate the year mark of a relationship, they count the days.  It makes things seem like they are moving pretty quick, but Koreans take dating very serious.  The first big celebration is the 100 day mark.  From the research I have done this is quite an important day, not just for dating though there is also a celebration 100 days after you are born...but let's not get off track already. The 100 day mark in a relationship the boy is supposed to plan some kind of romantic date, sometimes they will buy matching rings, matching outfits, or matching underwear (yes they do have matching underwear for couples here and I still need to take a picture of this to prove it to all of you at home!).  The girl is supposed to make something I guess, who knows what I would make since I am not creative, have no artistic ability, and I'm def not a romantic...maybe I could make a dinner (guess I better start figuring out what I'm buying at the grocery store though) haha, the girl could even buy matching t-shirts or something.  Every 100 days is apparently a big deal, but I don't know what is done for each 100 days.  

Korean men are much...nicer?  I don't know if that is the right word for them or not but they are def different than American English is getting worse since teaching...English in this country!  It is not an uncommon thing to see a guy carrying his girl friends purse for her or carrying all her shopping bags.  A guy at home would never carry my purse for me (not saying I would really want him to either), I was lucky to get them to hold it for 2 seconds as I looked for something else or had to do something.  

I have decided that Koreans can pull off many things...what guy back home could get away with wearing a purple shirt and pink pastel colored shorts...yes that's right, only a Korean guy can pull that off and not be judged and have people assume he is gay!!!!


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