I realize that it has been quite some time since I have posted a blog on here and talked about my travels. I'm happy to say that I really don't have too many complaints. I have gone at least 2 weeks (maybe more) without being talked to or corrected about my clothes or my classes!!!! I'm taking that as a huge step with my relationship with these teachers I work with. I also have more teachers, not English teachers, speaking to me...in English YAY!!!
Beth and I outside the station! |
Since my last post the Sangjuers have traveled a little more around the
small country. We went to Busan at the beginning of the month. It was
so great to spend time on the beach! We did a little shopping, spent a while on the beach having a few drinks, had a really good dinner, and then had a night out at bars and clubs. I always love going and watching the Koreans dance...it's just very different than the way we dance at home, but I love it. We did see a fire while we were there. It really is kind of scary! 9 people died in the fire, and it really got some of us thinking about how dangerous some of these places are here in Korea. Please don't worry at home though, we try to be as safe as we possibly can!
The beach!!!! |
Guy we met at the club! |
I had to work on one of the Saturdays which I always dread, but the class really went pretty great! It was some of my really smart first grade middle school girls, and they helped make the early Saturday morning 4 hour class go quite quickly!
This past weekend we went up to Seoul for the weekend. It was a really nice weekend. They weather was great, it was a great group of people, and we saw some really cool things. We got their Friday, but after the bus ride and finding out hostel we were pretty beat, so called it a night pretty early (around 1am). Saturday we got up and started our day, the girls went to a temple (AMAZING!)
Waterfall |
The stream from the bridge |
After the temple we went to a small stream that goes through Myeongdong (the shopping center of Seoul for foreigners! It was so nice and you kind of forgot that you were in this massive city! There were so many little kids there that were adorable, and a million couples taking a stroll down the stream. It was a really relaxing activity!
I'm back to work for a full week of work...which I'm kind of dreading. The one thing that is getting me through this week however is that we have a 3 day weekend. It's Buddha's birthday so we have Monday off! Beth and I are going to head back down to Busan just the two of us! It will be a great chance for us to just sit and relax, be away from everyone, and not drink a whole bunch!!!
I had a little moment last week where I'm not sure what happened to me but I broke down and started crying at school. I'm thinking it was a little bit of homesickness along with just being in this school (which can be stressful at times). However, I do have some pretty great co-teachers that really helped me through the day and helped to cheer me up! I really appreciate what some of them do for me here!
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