Tis the Season

As I wrote in my last post Thanksgiving has come and gone.  Although, it was a depressing time because it is my favorite holiday, I still had a good Thanksgiving. It was nothing like any other Thanksgiving I have ever had before.  There was no big family meal, no little kids running around me, and no turkey.  I did however spend Thanksgiving and the entire weekend with some really great friends, which is what the holiday season is all about really.  Spending time with your friends and family, and here in Korea my friends have become my family. I also got to Skype with my family at home, so I got a little bit of the things that are the most important.

Now it is the Christmas season and I'm very excited for it.  I do think that I will be a little depressed being away from the family, but we are already planning our Christmas day.  Many Koreans have Christmas yes, however it is not as big of a holiday here as it is at home.  I will only get Christmas day off, from the looks of it I will not be getting Christmas Eve off.  But don't you worry family you will be getting a phone call from me once again so I can celebrate Christmas Eve with you guys!

I have started listening to my Christmas music everyday while at school and I'm planning my Christmas lessons for my students.  I am very can't wait to share my excitement with my students here, and I hope they stay this excited about singing Christmas songs in Class (hopefully I can get a few videos to share with everyone here).

In a week and a half a small group of us will be heading up to Seoul to see the Phantom of the Opera.  I'm beyond excited to see it, but I also know that Seoul is already decorated for Christmas.  I think it will make the Christmas season much more real.  There are a few Christmas decorations here and there in Korea but they are few and far between, which is a bit sad.

As for Christmas we will all be getting together to make food, drink wine, and listen to Christmas carols.  I know we will all be missing home a lot that day but we will have each other so it will all be ok.  We will most likely have an ugly sweater Christmas evening, and what better way to celebrate Christmas with good friends, ugly sweaters, wine, and delicious food right?!


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