Should be Lesson Planning :/

I have about 15 minutes left in my day until I can leave and go home.  I really should be lesson planning for my classes, maybe try to get ahead, however these computers are just way too slow to do much on them.  I go to try to make my presentation or look something up on the internet and it takes 50 years to switch things, so I'll write a blog instead!

Gyeongsangbuk Palace in Seoul
Beth, Heather, and me in Seoul
We went to Seoul this weekend for St. Patrick's day.  We went up on Friday night, and came back to Sangju yesterday afternoon.  We had a lot of fun, and Seoul is absolutely huge!!!  We went shopping during the day on Saturday...there are so many different stores.  Western stores and Korean stores, it was so great!  I know that I don't have to worry about finding clothes that fit me!  We decided that we will just make a girls weekend back up there so that we can go shopping.  The guys weren't really into the whole shopping thing, and I think they hated every second of it.  We did get to do some sight seeing though, however I do want to go and see some other things.  I really want to go up in Namsan Tower, it used to be the tallest tower in the world I guess.  You can see basically the entire city from the top I guess!  We went out in Itaewon Saturday night to celebrate.  It is one of the big western areas, sooo many foreigners!  It was kind of annoying but cool to be there, we spent the last part of the night in Hongdae...which I think I like that area better.  I think I will have to experience Seoul a few times to decide if I really like it.  I don't think this past weekend is a good weekend to base my decision off of.  Guess I'll just have to go back again...not complaining though!

I had my first full day of teaching introducing myself!!! YAY!  My lessons went fairly well, the A classes just get through things so fast!  Since they are so smart we finished early, we spent the last 10 minutes of class listening to music.  We listened to John Mayer in one class, the students and the teacher came up to me and said 'his voice is so sexy I will go home and listen to him to' lol!  Koreans use sexy a lot!  When I ask the students what they like to do they say 'look at sexy men!' Apparently when I lose my voice, my voice is sexy too!  Got that one today lol

Korea does kind of annoy me though!  My one co-teacher that I really like a lot came up to me today to report to me some things other teachers have said.  She told me that some were complaining that I do not say hi to them in the mornings when they see me.  I do not know what she is talking about, because I always smile say hi or good morning.  She told me that I need to say it EVERY time I pass them in the hall.  So apparently when I see them 500 times a day and I only said hi to them 499 times they get upset!  Korea is so sensitive!  I am going to turn into my students and walk through the halls saying 'Hello! Goodmorning!  It's so nice to meet you!'  Yes I get an 'it's nice to meet you' every single day!  I have been in this school for what? Three weeks now.  I have met all my students at least once, they are not meeting me for the first time anymore...which means we do not need to say 'it's so nice to meet you teacher!'

OOOHHHH Korea.....

Love looking at the mountains everywhere though!

Mountains in Sangju


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