Life in Korea

I realized today that I haven't really written about life in Sangju or my I will do that now!
Sangju...after hiking up a small mountain
I came to Sangju on Feb 28, and before I got here I was a little nervous because I did know that it was a small town.  Some of the people are orientation were saying that there was NOTHING to do in Sangju.  I do have to admit though that I am pleased with life in Sangju so far.  Yes, it is a very small town, but it's a nice cute little town.  There is a pretty good group of foreigners here and they have all been pretty nice and welcoming.  There are a few mountains that Beth and I try to go hiking every week (we haven't been doing so well this past week or so because we have been sick and super busy with work).

It's also nice because it is really easy, cheap, and quick to travel anywhere in the country.  We can pretty much get anywhere we want to go in like 2-2.5 hours and the price to take a bus round trip in less than $30 round trip.  
Middle School 2nd Grade
Now for my schools...I work in two schools both all girls schools, one is a middle school and the other is a high school.  They are basically attached though so I feel like I really only work in one school (I get paid extra because technically I work in 2 schools).  They are about a 5 minute walk from my apartment which is perfect!  I have 7 co-teachers and they have all been really great!  I complain about my head co-teacher because sometimes he is a jerk, but he's a nice guy at the same time.  All my other co-teachers are great though, so I'm pretty luck I think!  I work in the middle school Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and then the high school Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I absolutely love my middle school first graders!  They are so cute and sweet, and they try to hard to learn English.  Although all the girls are super excited to have me there and love coming to talk to me whenever they get the chance.  Their English isn't always great, but they try and that's all that matters to me! These are two of my girls...we were listening to K-Pop during lunch so they were singing and talking about their dance moves!  
Love Korea!
I'm still convinced that Korea is the cutest place ever!  The people are all so nice and they would do anything to help us out.  Beth and I went on a walk and then went and got coffee this afternoon and they put hearts on the tops of our coffee.  I've seen other people's and they will write different things in the top or create other pictures.  

Don't hate me...but Beth and I were talking today about how we could see ourselves staying another year after this year.  We have no idea and we have only been here a month so who knows what this year will bring.  But, if things stay like this I wouldn't mind staying another year.  If I sign to stay another year I got a ton of money and 2 extra weeks of vacation that I would use to probably come home for a little bit.  With the 2 extra weeks I would have an entire month off, that I would probably come home for 2 weeks and then travel to someplace really warm for the last 2 weeks.  Again, who knows what will actually happen after this year, but as of right now I have no plans and I need to continue school anyways (which I really don't want to do right now).  I still have time to thing about it, and see how things will go for the year.  According to the last teacher they did ask her about extending her contract pretty early so I guess it's something I should think about.


  1. Ok so I'm posting a comment...happy! It really is cool to read about your adventure and even better when I inject your humor into your posts. I am so proud of you but I must say a little jealous that I wasn't more adventurous when I was your age. Now is the time in your life to go with the flow. Love you!


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