No Backing Out Now!

Well...the contract arrived in the mail last week, my flight was booked on Tuesday, and my application was sent out for my Visa on Wednesday.  Guess this adventure really is going to happen.  Although I'm really excited and I think it is going to be an experience of a life time, I'm really starting to freak out now.  Hearing that I got offered a position was exciting but, I don't think I realized that it was actually happening, that I would actually be moving to the other side of the world in February.  I am having all kinds of different feelings, and I'm starting to stress out a little bit.  I know I will be fine and I will enjoy my time in Korea however, it is still very scary!  

Now the stress am I going to pack all my stuff to go there?  How do you pack a years worth of stuff in basically 2 bags?  What if I miss my connecting flight (since I don't have very much time between any of my flights)? Is my Visa going to make it back in time?  I will probably stress out about all of this until I get my Visa in my hands, and then just arriving in Korea (which will bring on an entirely different kind of stress I'm sure).  

I got on facebook yesterday and found a page, EPIK Spring 2012, I was so excited to find this because I figured this would be my chance to maybe find a few people before I arrive in this totally foreign country and know ABSOLUTELY no one!  I did find a few people that are going to be on my flight, and then even one of those on my flight will be in the same area as me.  I'm hoping this page will help me to calm down a little. 


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