Oooohhh Korea!

We talked many times in orientation about Korea and how you kind of just how to go with the flow.  They do a lot of things very last minute, so be ready for anything.  I finally realized how true that was today...I was supposed to teach middle school today, which starts at 9:10 and I am told to get there at 8:30.  I figured I would start off on a good note and get there early, so I got there around 8:10 to find out that my class will be starting in 5 minutes!  Class starts, no co-teacher but we get started anyways on classroom rules and introducing myself to the kids.  About 5-10 minutes into the class two Korean teachers come in and start saying something in Korean (so I have no idea what is going on), they finish talking and all my students get up and walk out of the room with them!

So...I am told I will have a class around 9:50, 9:50 rolls around and no one shows up.  It's now about 10:10 and still no class or co-teachers are coming to let me know what is going on.  I decide to run downstairs really quick where I run into my head co-teacher and he asks me "Weeson are you teaching right now?!"  He seemed very confused that I was not in the classroom with the class that I was supposed to have!  At least I wasn't the only one totally confused, right?!?!

FINALLY, I have a class that shows up around 10:30!!!! BUT it was only like 3 students, and I knew I was supposed to have more than that, and again no co-teacher!!!  I figured whatever I will just start talking to the girls, introduce myself, and they start asking me questions.  In walks like 5 more girls and my co-teacher with like 10 minutes left to go in the class.

I always told myself back home with my students there, 'be prepared for anything because you never know who will show up!'  We could have 12 kids or we could have 3, we could have everyone siting and working, or we could have kids in 500 different places.  However, the one thing I did always know, is that my school day always started at the same time and that I would at least have some students show up.  Today made me realize, that I really do need to be prepared for anything, and things will change without notice.  I'm just waiting for the day that I miss a class because they forgot to tell me that I was starting earlier, and I will not be showing up earlier then I'm supposed to be there like I did today.

Oh well, I guess Korea is going to keep me on my toes!


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