Settling In

Yesterday, we finally got to leave orientation and take the two hour bus trip to meet our co-teachers.  I was the last one from my bus to meet my co-teacher, which I have to admit was making me a little nervous.  He did finally show up, with the teacher that I'm replacing.  Having her around really is helping out a lot!  She is really nice, is showing me around the city, and helping me out at the school for the next week or so.  It really relieves me from a lot of stress!
I got to my apartment yesterday, got to see the school, meet some of my co-workers, then we went to the grocery to get a few things to get me by for a little while.  The other teacher took me out with her really good friend (who is going to be here still) and then some of their other friends.  Some of the EPIKers that I met in orientation will be here with me.  I think that I will enjoy being here in Sanju!
My apartment is a cute little studio, it's small but cozy.  Plus, it is only a 5-10 minute walk to work...which is perfect!  Outside my apartment in the river, and it is totally lined with cherry blossoms, I'm sure it will be gorgeous in the spring when everything blooms!  There are like 13 palaces and 3 famous mountains in the city that I'm in, so I'm hoping to do a lot of sight seeing.  We even have the bicycle museum, sounds weird but I'm sure I will go and check it out.
Have to head to work...I'll post pictures of my place and the city later!


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