Field Trip

Korea is still going pretty great! We haven't done much other than lectures all day everyday and working on our lesson plans that are due tomorrow, I just wish I could see the city more!
We went on a field trip on Friday to Chansaem Farm Village. It really so nice to leave Daejeon and the campus and see a few things. We got to make scarves, the dye we used was all natural material.
My Scarf

Apparently cell phone charms are a huge deal here so we also got to make our own cell phone charm...not that I even have a phone right now, it was still a lot of fun!

Back of my charm
Front of my charm

They take their cell phone charm making very serious! 

We got to watch the process of making tofu, I've got to say I never knew it was such a long process!

We have had a lot of cafeteria food since we have been here, I think they are trying to ease us into the change of food. It's been pretty good so far. The day of the field trip was by far the best meal! It's a traditional meal here called bibimbap, DELICIOUS!!!! I think a few of us are going to go out for dinner tonight though, we don't feel like digging through fish bones to eat our meals!

Orientation is almost over, which I think is bitter sweet. I'm really excited to find out where I'll be living, which school I'll be in, meet my teacher, and the. Just to do my own thing. Im a little scared though because, I have been around English speaking people since I have been here. I don't know how many people will be around me that I have met here! Plus I'll be really glad to not have to sit through 12 hours of lectures everyday, not have a curfew, and be able to go out and see things!


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