Happy Days

Cherry Blossoms
Spring has finally arrived in Korea, and I'm loving it!  Everyday is in the 60's-70's and it has been so sunny out.  The cherry blossoms bloomed along the river, which made for a beautiful walk to work, dinner, and even motivated me to run a little more!

Although I had a little moment last week where I thought 'I really just need to go home!' I think I have gotten past that!  Last week one of my co-teachers pulled me aside and said that some other teachers don't like the way I dress.  That day I had a cotton dress on, and was told it was too tight.  I was pretty upset about it, not at Lucy who had to tell me, because she felt terrible for even having to say anything.  She even said she thought it was OK, but still had to tell me.  The next day one of my co-teachers had a pencil skirt on, why is that ok?!?!  I have just come to realize that I am not going to make everyone happy, which is ok I guess.  I just wish that Korea would realize that things are not going to fit me the way they fit them.  I am not a stick, and yes Korea I do have a butt and boobs, GET OVER IT!  You are going to be able to see my 'figure' in just about anything I wear so there is just not much I can do about it!  I'm over it now though and have just moved on.
Birthday night!
I had a wonderful birthday...thanks to my amazing group of friends here in Korea.  If it weren't for them I would be miserable here, but they have really helped out a lot!   We went to Daegu for my birthday, because we didn't have work the next day (election day!)  We really seem to love Daegu, and have decided that Daegu really might kill us!  Heather and Ang got my this amazing bow for my birthday, and for whatever reason...I wore the thing all night!

On Sunday I spent the day with Lucy.  She taught me how to make kimbap and made me bulgogi (which is pretty amazing)!  After lunch we went to the bike museum with her daughter, her older sister, and her sisters two kids.  The kids were so cute, and Lucy's niece and nephew spoke better English than my students did.  I think I'm going to steal her nephew and bring him home with me!

Lucy, her daughter, her niece, and her nephew at the horse barn
 This weekend Beth and I are going to go to Gyeongju for a day.  It is supposed to be an awesome historical place in Gyeongbuk Korea (which is the province I'm in).  I'm very excited to go and be a tourist.  I feel like we have gone to other cities but haven't actually gone sight seeing, so I'm excited to finally do that.  I posted a link for everyone to look at some of the different things that are there.  I will also be posting pictures after the weekend. 
I might even try to make my first home made dinner this weekend.  I know I'm getting pretty adventurous over here in Korea!  I think I will make kimbap and bibimbap for Beth and I, maybe the guys too if they want to join!


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