Gettin' Comfortable

Things are really starting to come together here in Korea and I am starting to feel a lot more comfortable here.  I think I might actually survive it here!  Although I still do not speak the language...which makes things very difficult, I do know that I will not starve here.  All in the past week Beth and I have had some huge success stories!  We have managed to get a train to Daegu, go shopping in Daegu, order our food in Deagu, and catch the train back to Sangju....all without any help from a Korean speaking person!  We have found a new bibimbap place this week, and it's super cute and delicious!  We even managed to order our food (no English menu or pictures!!!) and we had to write what we wanted and got it right!  We have even found a new mountain this week to start hiking.  It's been a pretty successful couple of days for us and it makes me very excited!  
We are trying to decide if we want to train for a half marathon in September, or it's more of if we will have time to train for it.  We are also planning our romantic get away weekend to Jeju island in May.  We have decided we are going to be super touristy that weekend we are in Jeju and do an entire weekend of sightseeing.  I'm beyond excited for it!  My co-teacher is helping us plan the trip, so hopefully all goes well!

Work has been pretty great too, my school is a little sensitive but I feel like the teachers and the students are getting more comfortable with me.  I have 2 middle school second graders that come talk to me everyday and it seriously makes my entire day!  I absolutely love talking to them, and as bad as this sounds it's partly because their English is really pretty great and I can have a pretty normal conversation with them.  Since coming to Korea I have found that I am talking A LOT slower and using my hands a lot more (which I already talked with my hands a lot before!)
I have found the way to make and Korean girl like me and get them to start talking/screaming/dancing/singing is to listen to these two songs...and yes K-Pop is really starting to grow on me!
Fantastic Baby-Big Bang 
Bad Boy-Big Bang 
 Or even this watching the Koreans dance to this song is pretty great out at the bars!
Nanrina-Block B

 Oh my gosh...I can't believe I forgot!  Beth and I have even seen a Korean guy, in Sangju that was pretty attractive.  For being two girls that said we would never be attracted Koreans this is a pretty huge step!
I should be getting a cord for my camera soon which will be pretty great!  Thank god I had an amazing teaching in my orientation...he said he was mailing it today so hopefully it will get here pretty soon!
We are off to Daegu tomorrow night for my birthday and it will be a ton of fun!  I love my little traveling group of people!!!

Things I wish people back home could experience!
 1.  The sightseeing and hiking
2.  The amazing food
3.  All the amazing people I have met
4.  Noraebang...which really should be put at number 1
5.  Watching Koreans dance....I love it!


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