New Beginnings

It has been quite some time since I've paid this blog a visit and boy have things changed since my last post.  I have now been home from Korea just shy of 3 years, I have finished my master's in Social Work, was a therapist to children for 2 years, and have finally (after saying it for over 10 years now) have moved out to Colorado and started my new job out here.

Colorado has been another great adventure for me.  This time, I did not make this major move alone, I made it with my boyfriend (of 2 years).  I have again made some really incredible friends that have become a major part of my life.  I have been so fortunate in my moves in the sense that it has put the most amazing people in my life and people that will be life long friends.

Speaking of life long friends, I will be meeting with 2 of my best friends from Korea in Italy in just 3 short weeks.  Excited does not even begin to explain my feelings for this amazing reunion.

With Italy in mind, I have decided to make myself accountable for my body and my happiness.  I seem to be on a roller coaster with my fitness and my diet, and I would really like for that to come to an end.  I will always be the first person to say that physical fitness directly impacts one's mental health and there is no one that could convince me otherwise.  However, I will also be the first to find an 'excuse' to not go to the gym or to workout at home.

With that being said, I have decided to document my journey, to hopefully encourage me to continue on this routine that I am on and to not fall off again (besides that time I am in Italy, because it is my vacation and I don't think I should have to worry about when and where to go to the gym).  So what am I doing to help myself???  I have paid an online trainer to create a workout plan for me and a diet plan.  But wait...don't I have my personal training certificate?  Yes, I do, however I find that when I put a little money on the table it pushes me because who wants to just throw money away for fun?! I don't have money to be throwing away for anything, so I know that I need to follow through with this and make it work.  Not just for Italy, but because I want my confidence back.  I want to be damn proud of my body!  Not only for appearance but more importantly because working out and eating better just makes me feel better, and that is the bottom line.

My happiness and my mental health are so important to me and I want to make sure that I am taking care of me.  I have a very difficult job and a job that can really take a toll on a person.  I have a job where I need to make sure that I take care of myself or I will crash, emotionally.

Although I have changed my diet and exercise for the last few weeks, I will just begin with documenting this week, because this is the week that I started the workout program that someone else created for me.

Monday:  I woke up with plenty of time to complete a 20 minute yoga routine before starting teaching.  I have come back to Melissa Bender's website and completing her yoga routines.  I also did my measurements and turned that along with my weight (167lbs) to Iulia Danilova.

Here is the yoga flow that I did Monday morning.

After work I used our parellette bars and completed knee ups (50) some of them straight up the middle and some of them to the sides.

I also received my workout and diet plan from Iulia Danilova this evening and will begin it the next day.

Tuesday:  Leg day in the gym!  Like most women, I love leg day.  If I could just do legs all the time I would, but I know that I need to work on all body parts.  However, I am not going to lie that I was ecstatic that my workout plan started with legs :).  I started the workout with 10 minutes on the stair master and ended with walking on an incline with a few minutes of hill sprints for 20 minutes.

Today (Wednesday):  I woke up early again to complete another yoga flow before teaching my classes. I then completed a full day at work and came home and did the HIIT workout that Iulia Danilova created for me for today.  I finished it with jogging and running stairs for 10 minutes.

Here is the yoga flow that I completed this morning:

Current weight:  167lbs
Goal weight:  145lbs

Tomorrow will have to be another home workout because I have late home visits and will not be able to make it to the gym.  I am hoping to wake up early again for yoga and will complete an ab workout when I get home.


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