Beautiful Korean Autumn

I think that sometimes we all tend to take things for granted.  I know that I have taken so much for granted throughout my life.  People will tend to focus on the negatives of their, lives when really we have so much around us to make us happy.  Sometimes we all just need to take a step back, slow down a little bit, and really appreciate everything that is around us.

This past month or so I have really tried to do that.  Yes, I will bitch and complain about things in Korea, and I will tell you that I'm looking forward to leaving at the end of my contract.  BUT I've realized I have just over 3 months left in this country, and that's it.  I don't know if I will ever be back in Korea, so really, I need to make the most of what little time I have left here.  

I think after living here for a year and a half we don't realize how beautiful this country really is.  It wasn't until lately that I decided to take in some of the beauty it has to offer.  It all started about a month ago when Heather, Darren, Ange, and myself signed up to go paragliding.  We booked through a little old Korean man that runs his company down in Ulsan.  I put my life in some 65 year old Korean man, whom I've never met, and let him jump off a mountain with me attached to him.  It was amazing, the view was stunning, however made me feel slightly motion sick, good thing the f. 

Unpacking everying
Up in the air :)

Hanging out above Ulsan
Taking off
Up up and away....

The following weekend we accepted the challenge that we set for ourselves a year and a half ago....we finally made it to the top of the lovely Geumosan.  This is the large mountain in downtown Gumi, just behind the train station.  It is a mountain I have been to on several different occasions, however, only managed to make it to the waterfall. It was amazing at the top of the mountain, you could look on forever. And to just think 'that is my little town' was a pretty incredible feeling.  We even managed to point out where all of us lived....we think.

Just the beginning

Getting close

The good ole waterfall I've seen a million times.

Looking over Gumi

A well deserved beer at the top of the mountain.

The final little couple of days that I had to remind me just how beautiful and amazing this little country is, was the EPIK trip to Andong.  EPIK takes teachers on 2 different trips each year.  I was finally picked to go on one of these trip, spend time with so many people, and better yet have a few days off work.  This Autumn trip was to Andong (home of the infamous jjim dak and mask festival).  I had been to Andong before, but this time I was going to be more in the middle of no where.  They took us to the middle of the mountains, which nothing around, gave us our schedules for the 2 days, told us no drinking, and a curfew of 9pm....NINE PM!!!!!  Now I don't know who they thought they were telling a bunch of 20-30 year olds they had to be in bed by 9:00, but that obviously didn't work.  This was supposed to be a cultural trip yes, but I was always under the impression that soju, beer, and makkeolli were part of Korean culture.  So what did all let's say 300 foreigners do?!?! Left camp and started walking down the streets to find little local hofs.  Lucky us we found two.  The poor people were so overwhelmed by all the people, and even more so that we were all foreign.  I think we cleared out the refrigerator about 3 times just while I was there.  However, let's forget about the alcohol for a minute.  The scenery around us was like it was from a postcard.  My words and the pictures just don't do this place justice.  It was a great couple days, surrounded by amazing people, friends, food, and scenery.  I really couldn't have asked for much more to be honest.

Not sure what was so funny

Some of our little group

Laying in the leaves with Nics

Helping carry the hay

Where we stayed

My 'boy friend' for the 2 days.

Making baskets
Being the artist that I am

As much as I might complain about Korea, and yes I am kind of over the teaching.  I will truly miss this place.  It has been my home for the past 21 months and it really is a beautiful place.  I'm going to miss walking along the mountains every day :)


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