Happy Days

Cherry Blossoms Spring has finally arrived in Korea, and I'm loving it! Everyday is in the 60's-70's and it has been so sunny out. The cherry blossoms bloomed along the river, which made for a beautiful walk to work, dinner, and even motivated me to run a little more! Although I had a little moment last week where I thought 'I really just need to go home!' I think I have gotten past that! Last week one of my co-teachers pulled me aside and said that some other teachers don't like the way I dress. That day I had a cotton dress on, and was told it was too tight. I was pretty upset about it, not at Lucy who had to tell me, because she felt terrible for even having to say anything. She even said she thought it was OK, but still had to tell me. The next day one of my co-teachers had a pencil skirt on, why is that ok?!?! I have just come to realize that I am not going to make everyone happy, which is ok I guess. I just wish that K...