
New Beginnings

It has been quite some time since I've paid this blog a visit and boy have things changed since my last post.  I have now been home from Korea just shy of 3 years, I have finished my master's in Social Work, was a therapist to children for 2 years, and have finally (after saying it for over 10 years now) have moved out to Colorado and started my new job out here. Colorado has been another great adventure for me.  This time, I did not make this major move alone, I made it with my boyfriend (of 2 years).  I have again made some really incredible friends that have become a major part of my life.  I have been so fortunate in my moves in the sense that it has put the most amazing people in my life and people that will be life long friends. Speaking of life long friends, I will be meeting with 2 of my best friends from Korea in Italy in just 3 short weeks.  Excited does not even begin to explain my feelings for this amazing reunion. With Italy in mind, I have de...

Where I am now....

Well I have officially been back in the USA for a year and a half now.  Back in my small town home where I grew up and graduated from high school.  Back with my family and all my childhood friends.  It's not where I imagined I would be, but it's where I am, and I know it's the path I need to take to get where I want to go. I'm working on my masters in social work at the moment and will graduate in the summer of 2016.  That day can really not come soon enough! I've recently started up with selling my photos that I have taken along my travels so please feel free to take a look!!!

New Year

Well we are now about two weeks into the new year, and I must admit I am happy to be in a new year.  2013 was....well it was a damn roller coaster for me. It was amazing it was terrible. I laughed plenty and cried just as much. I took amazing trips with amazing friends, went home to my family and friends for the first time in a year.  2013 is a year that things changed for me. I stayed in Korea for a second year. One of my best friends had a baby and is now pregnant with her second little one. Two of my childhood friends got married to amazing people and I couldn't be happier for them. I also lost one of my best friends to a tragic motorcycle accident after she moved to Poland to be with her boyfriend. I've taken the next step towards my future and have started courses for my masters.  2014 is my year to takes steps outside of my box, for me to grow even more as a person and in my career. It's my year to leave my home and life that I've lived for e past two years and go...

Beautiful Korean Autumn

I think that sometimes we all tend to take things for granted.  I know that I have taken so much for granted throughout my life.  People will tend to focus on the negatives of their, lives when really we have so much around us to make us happy.  Sometimes we all just need to take a step back, slow down a little bit, and really appreciate everything that is around us. This past month or so I have really tried to do that.  Yes, I will bitch and complain about things in Korea, and I will tell you that I'm looking forward to leaving at the end of my contract.  BUT I've realized I have just over 3 months left in this country, and that's it.  I don't know if I will ever be back in Korea, so really, I need to make the most of what little time I have left here.   I think after living here for a year and a half we don't realize how beautiful this country really is.  It wasn't until lately that I decided to take in some of the beauty it has to offer....

Chuseokin' Around

Well I finally made my way to Japan for Chuseok.  I've been in Asia for a year and a half now, and Japan has always been on my list of countries to go to (since I was just a little one, all thanks to my old man).  Chuseok is Korea's Thanksgiving basically, so we had a long weekend.  It was something we had planned all the way back in about April, and talked about since this time last year.  The hard decision was deciding between Osaka and Tokyo (life is rough over here I know!).  In the end we chose Osaka though! I booked my flight with Helen (this was our third trip together since coming to Korea).  We went up to Seoul early on Wednesday, had a delicious South African meal, a couple glasses of wine (which almost cost us our flight), and a run yes literally a run through the subway and the airport.  We arrived in Osaka about 11pm Wednesday night, which only meant 1 thing, more running to catch the very last train into the city.  Thank god we met...