Beautiful Korean Autumn

I think that sometimes we all tend to take things for granted. I know that I have taken so much for granted throughout my life. People will tend to focus on the negatives of their, lives when really we have so much around us to make us happy. Sometimes we all just need to take a step back, slow down a little bit, and really appreciate everything that is around us. This past month or so I have really tried to do that. Yes, I will bitch and complain about things in Korea, and I will tell you that I'm looking forward to leaving at the end of my contract. BUT I've realized I have just over 3 months left in this country, and that's it. I don't know if I will ever be back in Korea, so really, I need to make the most of what little time I have left here. I think after living here for a year and a half we don't realize how beautiful this country really is. It wasn't until lately that I decided to take in some of the beauty it has to offer....