
Showing posts from January, 2014

New Year

Well we are now about two weeks into the new year, and I must admit I am happy to be in a new year.  2013 was....well it was a damn roller coaster for me. It was amazing it was terrible. I laughed plenty and cried just as much. I took amazing trips with amazing friends, went home to my family and friends for the first time in a year.  2013 is a year that things changed for me. I stayed in Korea for a second year. One of my best friends had a baby and is now pregnant with her second little one. Two of my childhood friends got married to amazing people and I couldn't be happier for them. I also lost one of my best friends to a tragic motorcycle accident after she moved to Poland to be with her boyfriend. I've taken the next step towards my future and have started courses for my masters.  2014 is my year to takes steps outside of my box, for me to grow even more as a person and in my career. It's my year to leave my home and life that I've lived for e past two years and go...