The Beginning of Year Two

Since I have been seriously slacking on the updating of this blog I figured I should attempt at making a come back. I went home in February for 2 weeks. It was amazing to be home and to see everyone again. I sure was busy for those two weeks making sure I saw as many people as I could but still make sure I spent a ton of time with my mom, my brother, my aunts and Uncles, and of course the little cousins. I did had a dinner with each of my aunts separately to make sure we had time just one on one. Seeing all my cousins was great too. They are all so cute and I just love spending time with them. It's hard for them because they know that I am gone but don't understand really how far I am from home. It was amazing to see all my friends and my family of course, but I also loved seeing my cat and dog. I sometimes see B when i skype with my mom and he does know my voice, but I was amazed to see that how much he remembered me. As soon ...